I have personally witnessed changes (the election of a black President) that I thought would never happen in my lifetime.
While I often envision a different planet and ways that humans can interact, I am blown away when we make large and unprecedented leaps in our development as humans.
What this culture needs is Visionaries who can articulate where we can go and our endless possibilities. We need visionaries who are willing to tell the truth.
As a culture, we often dislike and attempt to silence visionaries and those of us who are committed to telling the truth.
I recently read a great article about a group of individuals who are determined to turn around my hometown of Detroit.
This progressive group has designed a project that will move the culture forward: a steady diet of artistic creation, affordable housing, and time to think/plan and dream.
While this is a great example of what can be done, will this be enough ?
It can be enough if we designate “changed thinking” as part of the new world order.
Artists, creatives and anyone who has made mental health a priority need time to not only create product for consumption, we also need to incorporate new thinking and challenge ourselves to fearlessly and deliberately let go of limited thinking.
Focusing on new changes must also include vigilance in not just allowing those “in charge” to make all of the changes.
Decisions can be forced on us that can have major effects good and bad on the community as well as in our personal lives.
We all need and should welcome change.
My devotion is to the power that comes from visionary thinking and truth telling.
We need both of these concepts and must be clear about the ways they confuse or liberate even those with the best of intentions.
I am never without visions /dreams/possibilities.
When you are full of dreams and a ton of possibilities, it is very easy to become overwhelmed and make the grand decision to do nothing.
To refuse to act.
Truth telling keeps our desires within reach by pointing out when we have allowed ourselves to be seductively distracted.
Truth telling reminds us that while we can accomplish many things, we don’t have unlimited amounts of time to get things done.
Truth telling points out in rather crass terms: you will die at some point.
Truth telling is also a major component of building and maintaining high levels of self esteem.
We are told that we are too young for certain things and too old for other things.
When we dare to move beyond the cliche of speaking our truth to actually living it, we are often deemed crazy, selfish or my personal favorite : “all over the place”.
Our cultural fascination with lies and limits is something we can all fight against by fighting “for” the possibilities generated by our brilliant minds and gigantic hearts.
We could start small and pointedly with our children by encouraging them to be honest with what they feel is possible and assisting them with going after it (whatever it is they want).
We could also assist our young ones by giving them honest assessments regarding what accomplishing certain dreams will require of them.
One of the greatest gifts we can give to young people and anyone in particular is the understanding that things can be accomplished when self assessment is exercised.
I am sure that this is the point of entry that I use in my relationships and when I have been granted the honor of teaching.
I always begin a new class with a focus on what we’ve created in our lives. I allow people to speak their improved lives into existence and lovingly guide them into telling the truth about what they’ve done to prevent or deny themselves their self created visions.
The 21st century and beyond is the universe of creativity.
This movement is all about combining what we “see” with what we “know”.
It is the experience that also requires that we consistently move into greater spheres of truth and knowledge.