While I am thrilled with all of the technological advances we’ve made in the last twenty years, we must consider what has happened to our young people. Part 2 in this series is all about young people and the media.
Black folks please stop allowing the media and pop culture to raise our children and teach them anything other than how to entertain.
Everyday, I am bombarded with images and lingo that teach our children nothing.
While it is not the responsibility of creatives and artists to censor and limit their work and vision, it it our responsibility to teach critical thought and action.
By teaching critical thought we do not limit nor eliminate certain types of artistry, we expand thinking and usher in greater creativity.
Pink, in her great song, “Stupid Girls” asks: What happened to the dream of a girl president; She’s dancing in a video next to fifty cent.
When young girls only see women as props, shaking their money makers and concerned with getting and keeping male attention, we invite an entire generation to focus on the physical aesthetic and ignore the struggle and joy that occurs when inner resources are discovered and used to incite victorious lives.
Young males do not escape the cultural brainwashing that says young males are aggressive, not to be trusted and only take up space when they are thugs.
When young boys are provided with physical touch that is not sexual or aggressive they learn to navigate their bodies in ways that have nothing to with domination as the only representation of maleness.
Turn off the television and pick up a book.
Have a discussion.
Attend a community meeting where differences of opinion are loud, passionate and divergent.
Allow young people to see discord and confusion that gets settled without physicality, shaming or belittling.