Dear Ms. Davis,
I am a huge fan and am writing this letter to let you know a couple of things.
First, you will win an Oscar or three as I said in my title.
You are too present and wonderful in everything that you do. I have been acting for seventeen years and know of what I speak.
Your day is coming. I can’t wait.
I would like to extend an opportunity to do all that I can to make sure that this occurs.
I am a writer with his eye on getting into USC’s Screenwriting Program in the very near and immediate future. I have been thinking about what my next move creatively would be and watching you on screen inspired me to truly go for it.
Between us they won’t know what hit ’em.
Recently a great friend who writes scifi fantasy (see my review for Solstice 2/29/12) wrote a kick butt article about not only the lack of roles for black actresses but also the depth of the roles they are “allowed” to play and or get offered.
On a Tavis Smiley interview you mentioned that a majority of the roles you are offered are peppered with ebonics.
I write in a number of voices and would love to see you play the femme fatale ala Eartha Kitt.
You could definitely do this and you won’t have to do this alone. Did I mention that I would be starring in this with you ?
How sublime you would be in a role playing someone wicked, cunning, driven, smart and unapologetic.
Having read so much Shakespeare and Tennessee Williams during my theater training, I could truly envision you reeking havoc and enjoying every moment of it.
A very layered and nuanced Matriarch who does what needs to be done much like Ms. Houston in The Grifters or Dorothy Dandridge in Carmen Jones.
You have inspired me to keep going. Have you considered episodic tv ? Something where you would have to save the world on a weekly basis.
Keep an eye out for my script, it’s on the way.
Anthony Carter