Hopefully, I have not taken this journey alone.
Have you, dear reader, learned anything? Challenged yourself?
Given up some foolishness that was part of your family tradition?
I recently read a quote that said all of your dreams live outside your comfort zone.
I know it’s a serious cliche’ and it doesn’t mean it’s untrue.
My big scary dream is that black men all over the planet make their well-being a priority.
We change any and all habits that prevent us from living healthy, productive long lives.
And here’s my secret wish…
That black men die of old age.
Not diabetes or high blood pressure, stroke and all the other ridiculous and preventable diseases that take us out in droves.
Why not live to 102, 150, 200? We all have so much to do and create.
We all have so much love to give and receive.
It will take 100 years plus to scratch the surface and create lives which ensure we can dance at our great grandchildren’s wedding.
Will you join me?
Will you commit to death because of age and not health?