Was my grand experiment a failure?
Could I haave done things differently?
I’d have to say yes and no to the first question and a resounding yes to the second question?
My goal was to go thirty days without sugar.
And regardless of how much I want to blame the food industry for my slip ups, the responsibility for living a sugar free life for thirty days was up to me.
Sharing my choices both increased my accountability and allowed me to examine some other parts of my life.
I’ve always heard and now firmly believe that when you attack one area of your life, the other parts of your life show up and say “you might as well look over here too”.
My biggest takeaways from this failed experiment?
I have a deeper understanding and plan for dealing with bullies.
Sugar is a bully.
Unhealthy life choices – bully.
Anything that prevents you from making well thought out self kindness choices is a bully and has to go.
This month of looking at what and why I eat certain things gave me some serious insight.
Most of us, myself included, are not very kind to ourselves then get shocked when an asshole shows up offering the same nonsense.
To really win the sugar battle, it is impertive that we see it as a battle with a bully.
Bullies don’t understand reason. They do reaspond to a kick in the groceries.
What has a personal failure taught you about your life?