Tag Archives: vegans

Day One – Kicking the Sugar Pimp in the Groceries for Thirty Days

https://giphy.com/gifs/cobrakai-netflix-s2-cobra-kai-WQ6kPVcrvZWpnEPN8G I just spent two hours wrestling with a computer issue, a barking dog and of course a reminder from la familia that my dreams don’t matter. These are all things that ordinarily would have caused me to reach for the cookies or yell “cake break”. It’s day one and already I ‘m obsessing over… Read More »

Why Social Networking is responsible for Social Change (VIDEO)

Social Networking, although assumed by many to be a waste of time, is an effective tool in creating and maintaining social change. These days so many wonderful people are doing so many wonderful things. It is my curiosity and desire to learn how people are not only getting their personal messages into the world but… Read More »